This blog is about me. It's not really about you. When it is about you, it's not really about YOU you, unless you want it to be. You see, I love to create. It doesn't really matter much to me what it is I create. I tend to dabble in whatever catches my interest at the time. This is because, to me, creation isn't about making something. It's about exploration. It's about understanding a process that I never understood before, then quietly slipping that process into my back pocket, should I ever need it. I'm not ashamed to say that I have a ton of half-finished "projects," scattered about my life. These are projects that I will likely never go back and finish, and that's okay. I learned a lot from each of those projects and I think they have made me better.
Among those half-finished projects are blogs that I've started and haven't kept up with. Each blog surrounded something I felt I had to say. "I can speak intelligently on this topic," I said to myself. And so, I built myself a platform and I spoke intelligently... And found I had little else I wanted to say regarding that thing. But I always seem to have *something* to say. Although my parents didn't make a big deal out of it (there are a lot of things like this), they have always breathed into my brother and I the mindset of an educator. When I understand something, it is often important to me to be able to share that understanding and hopefully enrich the lives of those it touches. Originally, this was blog was going to be titled "Bullets in the Dark," with the idea that I would write focused, tight, epistles to no one in particular, that might have a direct impact on their life.
But this blog isn't about you. It isn't about the topics. It's about me. Writing, for me, is just part of my process of understanding. It lets me view my thoughts through an outside eye and then see if they stand up in the cold light of day. I imagine there will be a lot of things that I start to write that you will never see. That's okay. In the end, this is my creative journal. A place for me to leave a few footprints in the sand.
I am very proud of you! Mom